Getting started (Vue)
Vanilla, strongly-typed store accessor.
If you would like to benefit from a typed accessor to your store, but you're not using Nuxt, you can still use typed-vuex
Many of this project's default settings are based on Nuxt, so please file an issue if you experience any problems.
Install package:
yarn add typed-vuex
npm install typed-vuex --save
Instantiate your accessor
src/store/index.tsimport Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' import { useAccessor, getterTree, mutationTree, actionTree, } from 'typed-vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) const state = () => ({ email: '', }) const getters = getterTree(state, { email: state =>, fullEmail: state =>, }) const mutations = mutationTree(state, { setEmail(state, newValue: string) { = newValue }, initialiseStore() { console.log('initialised') }, }) const actions = actionTree( { state, getters, mutations }, { async resetEmail({ commit }) { commit('setEmail', '') }, } ) const storePattern = { state, mutations, actions, } const store = new Vuex.Store(storePattern) export const accessor = useAccessor(store, storePattern) // Optionally, inject accessor globally Vue.prototype.$accessor = accessor export default store
Define types.
If you've injected the accessor globally, you'll want to define its type:
index.d.tsimport Vue from 'vue' import { accessor } from './src/store' declare module 'vue/types/vue' { interface Vue { $accessor: typeof accessor } }
Usage within a component
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { accessor } from '../store'
export default class SampleComponent extends Vue {
get email() {
// This (behind the scenes) returns getters['email']
// Or, with a globally injected accessor
return this.$
resetEmail() {
// Executes dispatch('submodule/resetEmail', '')
// Or, with a globally injected accessor
Usage within the store
You can use the accessor within the store or a store module.
import { actionTree } from 'typed-vuex'
import { accessor } from '.'
const actions = actionTree(
{ state, getters, mutations },
async resetEmail({ commit }) {
commit('setEmail', '')